Geelong Hydroponic Gardening


People often ask “What chemicals do you use”.

The simple answer is “We Do Not Use Chemicals – we use nutrients.

Simplistically plants essentially require 12 elements to survive, of which these are divided into 2 groups:-

The Macro group which the plant requires larger amounts of the nutrients in this group and The Micro group which the plant requires smaller amounts of the nutrients in this group.

Each of these groups; the Macro group and the Micro group consist of 6 basic nutrients which are outlined further below.

To show you how similar to us plants are in their nutrient requirements and why we use nutrients not chemicals I will endeavour to explain as best I can below.

Whenever a doctor sends you for a blood test, the reason is that they are looking for any abnormalities etc. of various components we have and require within our bodies to function as well as we can.

Macro Nutrients – which consist of :-

Nitrogen (N)

A naturally occurring element and one of the building blocks of life which is essential for growth and reproduction in all plants and animals to survive

Phosphorus (P)

The second most abundant mineral found in our body is phosphorus; 85% being found in the bones with the rest of it found in the blood, and the fluid in and around cells and our various organs. Practically every cell in our body uses phosphorus.

Potassium (K)

The third most abundant mineral found in our body is potassium. The majority of it is located inside muscle cells, it assists in muscle contractions as well as maintaining appropriate levels of fluid and the electrolyte balance in the body cells.

Calcium (Ca)

The most abundant mineral in our body is Calcium. The majority of which is found in our bones with a small amount of calcium always being carried in our blood.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is found in all body cells and also a component of bones it is essential for the metabolism of potassium and calcium.

Sulphur (S)

Known as a healing mineral, Sulphur also aids every cell in eliminating toxins.

Micro Nurtients – which consist of :-

Iron (Fe)

Iron is required by our body for many functions. Iron deficiency can lead to directly affecting our immune system. It is also vital for binding oxygen to the blood cells.

Boron (B)

Even though large amounts can be toxic, we still require minuscule amounts of boron as it functions as an activating agent with in our body. Some functions triggered by boron are regulating levels of essential minerals, including calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Manganese (Mn)

Not only does manganese promote bone growth it also helps the body convert protein and fat into energy as well as helping to maintain other bodily systems and regulate blood sugar.

Copper (Cu)

Copper acts as a catalyst in the formation of hemoglobin which is the oxygen carrying component of blood.

Zinc (Zn)

Assisting in a wide range of functions, zinc is present in every part of the body and is essential for the healthy working of many of the body’s systems. It helps with wound healing as well as being a vital component of many enzyme reactions.

Molybdenum (Mo)

This trace mineral is found in most plant and animal tissues. Molybdenum is involved in the mobilization of iron use in the body. Although only required in small amounts molybdenum helps with metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

So you can see by the above, which is by no means an indepth medical outline of these minerals and our body requirements of them; But you can’t help notice the similarities of what we require and what plants require.